September 25, 2010

Broken down

Hi everybody! I've been on the naughty side this week. I chewed moms laptop power cord without her knowing. She couldn't figure out why the computer wasn't charging, until she pulled the cord out. Mom called Dell and a new cord costs $70.00! Ive been informed it's coming out of my piggy bank.

Pictures and class results will be posted once themlaptop gets powered back up.

Until next time..high paw five

September 19, 2010

Abby "angelo" painting project completed starting to clean up and put everthing back where it belongs

Mom doesn't know if she should paint the wall going upstairs...what do you think??

Afer about 18 hours of painting, we're done.  Mom said she's sick of painting, but she said the woodwork is what was the worse...took so long to do it.  The next challenge was where the wall and ceiling met....trying to make that straight line without going on the other color (wall is grey, ceiling is white)...but eventually it got done.  We're proud of the end result...very happy!!

Mom is undecided about the wall going upstairs...she doesn't know if she should let it the way it is..or paint it like everything else.  What do you think?

Tomorrow night is class night #2, we will be learning heel.  Last week we learned wait....don't have that down yet, but we're getting there.

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


P.S.  I heard a rumor perhaps Mr. H is coming to PA? 

September 18, 2010

I'm helping to paint!!!!

I'm ready!!

Hey Everybody!!
Mom and I are painting this weekend!!
Keep watching for the finished results later this weekend!!

September 13, 2010

A Birthday Wish

I want to send a very special birthday wish out to Mr. H's mom!  Happy Birthday!!!! 
My mom's birthday is January 19th, and my birthday is January18th!!  How cool is that!!

I sure hope Mr H was a gentleman for your special day.

Until next time...High Paw Fivw!


September 12, 2010

Helping in the Kitchen

I'm keeping an eye on all the apples...

My favorite part....sharing!!

Hi Everybody!  Today I was mom's little kitchen helper.  This afternoon we went out back and picked a bag full of Red Delicious.  Soon mom was carving the stems out and taking the seed out...once in a while a seed would go flying across the kitchen, of course I'd go for it but mom would always tell me to leave it.

Around 8 PM tonight I went for a bath...sure feels good to be all clean again!!  Mom said I was getting a little ripe.  I had my ears trimmed and my face trimmed nails were done.  I'm just so soft and cuddley...not that I never was.  After  I was done, dad came to pick me up but mom stayed.  She got to go in the hot fair!!!!

I'm going to get going...need to get a good nights rest, tomorrow night I start my classes, it was supposed to start last week, but since it was Labor day, it got pushed back.  I can't wait to see who's in my class and what I'm going to learn....can't wait to show off like I used to.

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


September 11, 2010

Clydesdale Tribute

Very well said....very well done!!

September 08, 2010


The next couple of days I'm posting one video a day for the September 11th tribute.  Stories will continue September 12th.  Take the time to remember what the United States of America is about!!  But always remember those who serve our country everyday so we can lay our heads down to sleep every night knowing they are keeping us safe.

Where were you

September 06, 2010

Watch me follow my commands....

Here's a little video that mom made of me following my commands.  What we learned was all hand signals with no verbal communication...there's one spot where mom says up...but that's ok.  I know my mom is very proud of what we both accomplished.

Until next time....High Paw Five!!

Playdate with Firedogs!!

Taking a nap before the boys get here

Matty and Brinkley

Brinkley quick snooze for energy

Abby meeting Jasper

Ok's our plan of attack

I swear we didn't do anything out here...

Do you see what I see?

Here I come to save the day!!! 

Alright Dad!  Lets go, I'm tired of being beat up by a girl!!

The Firedogs came to visit and play with me at camp on Saturday.  I had a great time with the boys...but I always had the upper hand on Matty, and I think he was very annoyed because he started getting scrappy with me,  I think it's because he was being tackled down by a girl!!  I have to say I liked playing with Brinkley, he played nice with me.  As for Jasper, I think he finally warmed up to me when it was time for them to go home.

Mom left me off the leash and the boys were left off of theirs...I ran like a shot over to the said I was a black streak going across the yard and the firedogs were right behind me!!

Dad made everybody hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill....boy was that ever good!!  We all sat around the table just waiting for something to drop.  Mom shared my three dog bakery cookie treats with the boys, they seemed to really like them, and they smell so good!!

I had a blast playing and there's talk of us going to their house, I can't wait!!  They said the fence should be up the next time we get up, then we can run all we want.

Thank you Kevin and Marsha for coming and bringing to the boys, you are welcome to our camp anytime!!

Next time I need a little backup with Violet!

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


September 05, 2010

Firedog Playdate at Camp

I'm a little swamp with cleaning up the house, doing laundry etc....normal routine from getting home from camp.  However, I had fun with the firedogs!!  Pictures and stories will be posted tomorrow after all the dust settles around here!


September 02, 2010

Happy Birthday Mammy T

Today our great grandmother Tillie Dunleavy would have turned 99 years old.  So today we dedicate today to remember her.

Happy Birthday Mammy T!!
