March 31, 2012

Something is wrong with this picture....

It's Abby!! She's in my crate eating my food!! This has to be stopped, I'm not standing for this....MMMMOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!Abby's eating my food!!

little paws

March 28, 2012

This is what I think of potty training....

Enough said....
Sincerely, little paws

March 25, 2012

Our pose of the day...

Hi everyone we hope you enjoy our photo together. Until next time High paw five with little paws

Went to the park....

We finally had our picture taken with dad....

Here's mom with us...

Hey mom....we're watching your right hand....there's a treat in there....

Hey Abby....nobody holding our leashes....

Hey Everybody!!

Mom and Dad took us to our local park for a walk.
Dad went to see the fish.....Maggie wanted to swim with the fish.
Of has her camera along and got some good photos.....finally one with our dad and mom.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie

Good morning little paws...,.

As you can see....maggie sleeps in the bottom corner, but most of the time she's up at my head.

Abby....she must be out watching yv with dad already

Abs and Mags mom

March 24, 2012

Hey Mr. Weather man......

Hey Mr. Weather man....

For the last few weeks we had warm it has gotten cold here again....
I wanna say...what's up with that!!  How could you have the cold air come back?? 
We were very happy with the warmth. 

My request....bring the sun and warm weather back soon!!

Sincerely...little paws

Hanging out in our yard....

Come on mom...lets go for our walk

I'm bored!!

Walk??  Did you say walk??  I'm ready!!

Hey Everybody!!

We got to spend alot time outside yesturday.  Maggie sure loves being a matter of fact, mom is thinking about getting a fence for our yard that way we can get rid of the leashes and run, just like the firedogs.

We did go for our says she's happy how we walk together.  Abby has begun pulling and that is a no no in mom's book.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

Mom cleaned up our yard.....

Hey Everybody!!

Mom came home from work yesterday and she got the mower out and mowed grass.  Looks good mom!!  The flowers are coming up too!  I really like the trees by the drive way...I remember Mr. H's mom had a problem driving into our driveway with the dually....and she calls herself a driver??  Things that make you go....hmmmm

Anyways....Until Next Time...High Paw Five
Abby and Maggie

PS....Maggie had a vet appointment yesturday...she now weighs 14 lbs!!  All is good, except for her barking at her reflections in the windows at night....Don't worry, mom thinks it funny.

Lazy Saturday afternoon....

It's getting colder out, so I'm just resting the weekend up.

Until next time....high paw five

March 23, 2012

Rough day...

We had a rough day...Maggie went to the ver for a quick check up, all good. Her weight sits at 14 lbs.

As you can see...mags is snoozing!!


March 21, 2012

I'm just soo cute!!

I'm just sooooo cute!! I'm innocent!!


Help me Gma Jackie.....

I love having Maggie here....but there are times when I'd just like to take a nap. Perhaps you can tell her to "chill' a bit. She's rambunctious today! She ripped up the the bag with cotton balls in, ran off with moms shoe, drug all her toys out.....and moms been home only 20 minutes.


March 20, 2012

Sleepy time for the Magster's

Maggie looks so cute laying in the bedroom floor....gotta say mom did a good job on the floor...,it used to be it'll be a cool spot to lay on during summer months.

Abby Dabbu Doo


No mom....we're not coming in, to nice to be inside today!!

March 18, 2012

Dad stopped at Dove's house today.

Dad stopped in at Dove's (Bob's and sherrie's) house on the way home from camp.  Dove loves being with Bob...they are vest buds.  Pictured below is Sherrie with Dove.

Looking good Dove!!
I'm sure your son Matty will check out the page to see his mom.

Until next time...high paw five
With little paws

Abby and Maggie

Went for our walk

We got to go for a walk twice today!!!

Dad went along for the 2nd trip...

And and mags

March 17, 2012

Sisters resting together....

House cleaning day...

Mom ripped carpet out of the bedroom today, then house cleaned it really good. Next she did the kitchen, followed by shampooing the living room carpet.

After that, she took us for a walk. First time walking together. Mom says it looks like I was the untrained one....can you imagine!!

Now we're resting from our walk, we did about a mile today. Gotta start to look good for the reunion.

Looking out the front window....

Mom found both of us on top of the couch this morning looking out the front window. Maggie figured out how to get up on the top here. Now my safe spot is gone!! She can almost jump up on the bed too....


March 13, 2012

Beautiful day to be on the porch....

It's been 70 some degrees for the last 2 days. Sure feels good to be out. Maggie and I love being on the porch...she likes listening for the big trucks to come rolling by.

Until next time...high paw five
With little paws

Abby and Maggie