November 29, 2012

Who??? Me???

What makes you think I took a Popsicle stick??

November 27, 2012

Look what we woke up to!!!!!!!!!

hey mom.....i think that snowglobe wish worked!!

Here I come!

Heck no we're not ready to go in....are you nuts!!

Hey Everybody!!

Last night we made a snowglobe wish and it came true!!  We got some snow going on here!!
We got mom up and soon we were out in our gated community running pouncing and eatting snow!!

Gotta go...Need to get mom to take us back out again!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
with little paw

Snowy Abby and Snowface Maggie

November 26, 2012

Our snowglobe wish.......

We're making this our wish for some snow thie winter....we want a good snowstorm to happen.  It's been quite a few years since we had a blizzard.  Mom told us a story about Sissy in the blizzard, she said she'll dig out the photos and post them on here once she finds them.  Can't wait to see them!!

Until Next Time...High Paw Five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

Enjoying our little gated community

No mom....I'm not ready to come in....

I'm not listening to you either!! said the magie word....I'm coming in for my cookie!!

Turkey Day!!!

Did someone say.....TURKEY??

Mom, did you say....TURKEY??

Sorry it's sideways...we have no idea why.  but here we are watching pap getting ready to cut the turkey

You know me....I always have my ball

Mom and Mags relaxing before meal time

Dad is never seen without his smaartphone...he thinks he's smarter than his phone....but he's really not

I'm all turkey-ied out

We hope everybody had a nice thanksgiving!!
Maggie and I didn't have turkey, but we had some beef.  Turkey meat is on the food allergy list and mom is steering away from it.  My ears are improving alot...they are actually turning pink!!  Maggie's hives are improving too since Ericka gave us a very good list to follow for food allergies.  Actually one of the things on the list to eat are her Frozen Yogurt those are the absolute best!!!!!!!!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

November 25, 2012

Now Mom.....

Ok mom...your off work tomorrow right?
Yes Abby I am...
Ok...would you mind doing a little blogging tomorrow for us?
Abby....I got that on my list to accomplish for tomorrow...actually I did all my housework tonight to do some work on the computer.  I have some business that needs to be caught up.
Yeah you do...your getting sloppy!

Your blog will be update....I promise.  You know me...I never break promises.

Nope...that's what thing we can depend on when you say you always hold your promises

Until next Time
Abby and Maggie

Big update coming

Tomorrow will be a huge update including a very special birthday wish.....check back tomorrow evening


November 04, 2012

Remember to turn back...

Hey everybody!!
Remember you need to turn back!!
Pip squeak...what do you mean turn back?
Well I heard mom say we have to turn back last
Yes your right...but she's talking about time.
Huh??....turning back in time?  I'm not to sure I want to do that Abs.
Noooooo...we're just turning the clocks back 1 hour.
Well....where does that hour go if we lived it already?
Pip squeak.....we get it back in the spring time when we spring forward.
Fall back in Fall....spring forward in spring pippers.
Maggie.....just don't worry about it, mom has it taken care of

Until Next time....High Paw Five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

Yeah...don't forget to fall forward!!

November 02, 2012

Day before Hurricane Sandy

Mom has the generator ready!!

This is MY tabletop mountain....

Whatcha doing Abs??
Nothing Pip Squeak...
I'm not to sure of that Abs...give it up

Back on top of my moutain

I knew it Abs....that's MINE!!

MOM!!! Save me from the little pip squeak!!  She's crazier than a blueberry muffin!!
Abby...where did you come up with that?
Mom...I have my ways with words...
Ok Abby...what...ever you say

Here I come mom!!  Your camera's too slow to keep up with me
I don't think so pip squeak!

Come on mom...lets go in and get our treats!

Maggie...that's mine!!

Catch me if you can!!!  teehee

Abby's expression says it all.... Lord help me!

Until Next Time...High Paw Five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie