March 31, 2011

Sally and Lacey

Lacey's Encouragement Link

Check out the above link and read this inspirational story.  Lacey is doing what I'm in training to do.
I want to give Sally and big High Paw Five for mentioning us in her thank you note to the paper for doing an amazing story.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five!!


We've been diagnosed with Durbin Fever....

Mom has been diagnosed with Durbin Fever.  I've been told this is a very contagious outcome and I do believe it...because I have it too, and I think dad does as well.

We have 3 days until I go for my citizen test.  I'm not worried, I'll do fine. 

Anyways....I'm passing on some Durbin Fever to you.

March 27, 2011

Good Citizen Test is scheduled....

Hey Everybody!!

I just want to say that my mom called and made a test date for me.
The date for the test is this coming Sunday....April 3rd!  That doesn't give me much time to study.
But....I dont think mom's to worried about it.

I heard mom and Mr H's mom talking the other day....I think they are up to something.  Guess we'll have to wait and see..... but I did get to hear my boyfriend on the phone!!  woohoo!!

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


March 26, 2011

We're in our local paper....

Hey Everybody!!

Mom and I made our local paper!! 
We like the little story of us too!!

Until next time...High Paw Five


March 23, 2011

New Spot to Lay.....

Hey Everybody!!

As you can see, I found a new spot to lay on.  While mom's on the computer, I'll lay here....that way she can't leave without me knowing it!  She trys to be sneaky, but most of the time I catch her.

Geez mom....can't you see I was trying to take a snooze here like Mr H is doing on the computer screen!!

Until next time.....High Paw Five!!


March 20, 2011

Moon Rise Tonight

Moon rise tonight...we couldn't get a good shot when it was coming up over the mountain...too many wires in the way.

I wonder if Mr. H and Mrs B. are watching it too??

Until next time...High Paw Five


Super Moon!!!

Photo taken 3-19-2011 at 11:45 PM


March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Abby Dabby Doo!!!

March 16, 2011

Is this what Mr H is thinking??

Is this what my bro Mr H is thinking of my mom with the Royal Wedding?  Well....I can't help to agree.
Changes will be in the making for the weekend!!  It will be bigger and better than ever before.

Until next time....High Paw Five

March 14, 2011

One year since I've been brought home....

My last morning with my brothers and sisters

Mom and Dad, we're ready to head home together!!

Aunt Arlene

Pap Lucas

Pap Lucas and trying to take his sock off

Me and dad playing...this was the start of it all!!

We were all groomed with new ribbons on taking a nap together. Suddenly Abby was plucked up and out of the expen and into her family's arms. What a joyful reunion that was to witness.....the love jumping back and forth between Angie/Doug and Abby. Sammie is next to leave the nest. The rest of us know our families are just around the corner and will find us soon. Keep watching. Look what a great story Mister H (our Bumbie) is living. Fingers crossed. Bye, bye little sister. We love you and wish you all the love and fun in the world.

Reef, Tuna, Shelly and Samantha Loreen

We've heard that Abby was a hit with the family. She loved trying to take Pap's sox off. She ran and showed off nicely for company, played with her new toys, pottied outside like a good girl and slept all night through. I was hoping they wouldn't like her and Nanny Janice and I would be going to fetch her back here. No such luck. This little girl is indeed cherished by her new family. She loved playing with Daddy and taking a rest with Mom. Can't you feel the love!

Posted by Mary

March 13, 2011

Royal Wedding Party Is Announced!!!!

The Westminster Abbey

Inside the church

Mr H receiving a phone call

I have my outfit and my little hat

Boomer getting groomed up

Mrs. B getting groomed

Mr. H getting groomed

We can be the Guarding Firedogs

I can be a bridesmaid

We can be bridesmaids too!!

I'll be the flower girl with the cowlick

I'm the BEST man!! 

My name is boomer...I want to be a groomsman

If Brinkley can be a guarding firedog and have part in wedding party, I want to be a groomsman

I'm with you Jasper...Brinkey can't have all the fun.  I'm a groomsman too!!

Hey Everybody

I think this Royal Wedding party is looking mighty fine!!  Wouldn't you say??

Everybody has their part....Mrs B and I are the wedding planners, and everybody else has a job to do

As you can see....Mr H received the phone call about being on the brush off list for now...but maybe that
will change.....paws crossed!!

Mr H is involved with his boys, Brinkley, Jasper, and Matty.....he's doing a good job keeping everybody in line.

Brinkley came to me and said guards are needed, and he recommended on having 3.  So that's where the
guarding Firedogs came from. 

But then later Brinkley (only Brinkley...LOL) came to me and said he feels he's the absolute best man and no
other can match his potentials.  So Brinkley got his approval. 

 Mr H came to me with a problem....seems as if this has sparked up some tensions between his to make everybody happy, they all became groomsmen.

Next came Boomer...sweet innocent little Boomer.  Looking so good and handsome, he asked if he could be in the wedding too.  I couldn't resist couldn't say no to his little eyes.  So he's a groomsman too.

Along came Chey, she asked to be a flower girl.  I said you can only be a flower girl if you have the cowlick.  She wasn't to fond of that at first, but then remembered how everybody adored her and said how cute she looked.

The Florida girls came and wanted part too.  So they are the bridesmaid.

So there you have it.....the Royal Wedding Party.  Sounds pretty darn good to me!!

Until next time....High Paw Five


Our road trip to camp a year ago we headed up to camp to spend the night.  Our camp is about 3 1/2 - 4 hour drive, actually we are going by the the route that goes to Mary and Philips house.  The ride was long, as well as the night knowing that every minute that past, was a minute closer to bringing her home.

I can remember being very anxious to pick her up and hold her. the time I didn't know or would have ever imagined doing what we're doing....working on therapy dog.  I must say...Abby and I have come a lonnnnnngggg way since the begininng, and I can only hope that Mary is proud of what we have done so far...I know I am.

Abby provides a fun atmosphere, never know what she's going to do next, she plays 24/7...but when it comes to business, she knows to be serious and be the best she can be.

Thanks for taking interest in this blog...I never imagined it turning into what it has.  As long as people show stories will continue.

Abby's Mom

March 11, 2011

Graduation Night....

Lucy....let's play

Myria and Coco...I know I probably spelled both their names wrong....

Me and mom

Hey Everybody!!

Tonight was my last night of Advance Classes and graduation night.  I had a lot of fun going to these classes, and learned a I was able to push some of mom's buttons at times too!!  .

After class we went to get something to eat, soon we were on our way again and it started to snow....everything is covered here at home.  Yesturday we had about 4 inches of rain, mom and dad didn't think they were going to be able to make it to work least mom anyways, she was waiting by the phone for the call of no school.....didn't happen.  This weather we've been having lately is crazy!! 

Keep your eye on my blog this weekend about the wedding for the Prince.  Mr H...your going to enjoy it!!

Until next time...High Paw Five!!

Abby Dabby Doo!!

Wedding Dance Entrance

March 10, 2011

I have an announcement..........

There will be 2 updates this weekend.

I'll tell you what the first one is...I graduate tomorrow night, I will be receiving my diploma!!!

The other announcement......You'll just have to wait and see.

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


March 09, 2011

Mom.......Your an IDIOT!!

Yesturday on mom's way home from work.  She calls Kim and Mr. H, but she was doing an interview for her magazine story, so they didn't get to talk. gets home, lets me out, talks to the neighbor lady, checks her email, checks her stocks and puts the phone back in her pocket......and somewhere along the line she hits redial and didn't know it. 
When she brings me back in the house, gives me a treat, takes her coat off, reaches for the phone and sees....Mr H's mom at 1 minute 25 seconds....she answers....with a Oh My God and laughter.  So yeah....your  an idiot mom!!!  And now it's official!

Until next time....or the next idiotic moment....High Paw Five


March 06, 2011

Stealing PJ'S

Hey Everybody

Here's a little video of me stealing mom's PJ's.  I thought it was funny when I took them and ran off.  That'll teach ya!!

Until next time.....High Paw Five


March 05, 2011

Working on my outfit for the royal wedding

Hey Everybody!!

I'm busy looking around for my Royal Wedding outfit.  We sure have to look our best!!  Mr H,  you seem to have everything planned out.  My mom was being lazy today until I gave her a paw slap.  So lets see what she's going to come up with.......


March 03, 2011

The Royal Wedding Invitation.....

Ok Mr H.....there's something wrong with this picture.....

We weren't invited!!  I think we need to make some phone calls and make this happen.  Could you imagine it.  I sure can!!  All the paparazzi's will be taking pictures of us instead of the Prince.

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


March 02, 2011

Today it's one year since.......

Yep...that's Mr. H's mom Kim. 

Today it's one year since Kim held me.  About a week before mom and dad visited me for the first time and got to hold Mr. H.  This is so awesome how our two mom's have connected. will get to hold me again soon!!  I will wait for you.

Mr H..,,,.we both came a long ways and we both have made a lot of differences in a lot of lives and we well continue doing what we do best.  Good job Bro!!

Until next time....High Paw Five

Abby Dabby Doo

A new "hobby"....

Well...the story is.  Everytime I come back inside from doing my business I get a treat.  Or sometimes I get treats because I'm just so darn cute!!

Anyways...instead of eatting them, I'm being like Chip and Dale Chipmunks storing the nuts in a tree.  Well...I'm "storing" my treats behind the couch, under blankets, in pillows, in laudry....wherever my little sweet innocent nose puts it. 
My answer from the triva question will posted on Friday.

I want to give a High Paw Five to my friends:  Mr H. Mrs. B, The Firedogs (big wink at Brinkly) Boomer.  Ya know....I think there should be a........Boomer Blog!!! 

Until next time...High Paw Five
My paws are together in prayers everynight for Gma Mary....I speak for all of my other SBG gang.


March 01, 2011

Abby and.....Abby

What do we Abby's have in common???

Keep checking back for the answer!!!

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


Answer:  Mr are correct, we both wear collars