January 27, 2011

Snowy Wednesday Night....

Hey Everybody!!

We got some snow last night, about 3 inches to play in.  Rumor has it that there's more snow coming this weekend and possibly a good snowfall on Wednesday.....paws crossed!!!

Sorry so short, but "Abby" idol is about to start...LOL

Until next time...High Paw Five


January 24, 2011

Deep Freeze Continues....

Mom put booties on my paws today so they wouldn't freeze


Just check to see if they are put on right

A day without a stick never happen in my yard

Mmmmmm....that roast beef sandwich sure looks good!!!

Hey Everybody!!

The deep freeze continues here and it seems like there's no end in sight for it yet.  They are saying we're supposed to get about 5-10 inches of snow Wednesday into Thursday...maybe mom will be home with me again during the day. 

When mom got home, she put the booties on so my paws wouldn't freeze...plus I was able to stay out longer too!  And of course, I found a stick to carry around.  There's a bank at the side of the house where I go out....well let me tell you this.  With all the snow we have and some ice too, I have to kick it into 4 paw drive to get back up the bank.

Last night we had Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches and french fries....it was really really good!!  That is one of mom's favorite meals!!

Gotta go...until next time...High Paw Five!!



Mr H...looks like we'll be playing your team...green bay packers!!  I say we go to Dallas...not only to watch the game, but have some of that warm air they have.

January 23, 2011

Congratulations to the Steelers!!!

Congrats to the Pittsburg Steelers!!!
Now to get myself a Ben Jersey for the superbowl!!!

Until next time...High Paw Five

Saturday is a play day......

I'm waiting....

Come on dad...throw it!!

All the way over there??

I'm  off!!!

I'm too sexy for my fur....

I'm waiting for the toy again!!

Hey Everybody..

I thought mom was going back to the way it used to be...I was ready to do some bapping again.
It is very cold out...but not as cold as Mr H and Mrs B's.  Like they are, I'm told to do my business
and get back in the house ASAP!!  Mom told dad he needs to put my booties on before I go out.

The weather for this week is calling for more snow.  As far as I know, it'll start Tuesday through
Wednesday night....but you know that can change at a moments notice. 

Mom and Kim were talking about a place to get together and we may have found it.  There's talk
of Knoebles Grove and having those who can come, to come and join us.  Now that would be cool...
the park would be ruled by SBG cockers!!!

Until next time, High Paw Five!!


January 20, 2011

The Calm Before The Storm.....

I'm just so darn cute!!  Just like gma  Angel Rosie!!

Come on dad

Come on Mom

The calm before the storm...I'm just waiting for my 5 inches of snow to come so I can dig out my sticks.
This is going to be a short blog tonight, in 15 minutes American Idol starts and we already told dad we're taking
over the tv. 

Hey Mr. H...your mom can take any of the photo's on this blog, but if she gets $1,000,000 for my cute butt...she must share....LOL

Until next time...High Paw Five!!

Abby Dabby Doo

January 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom!!

I was able to get the computer up and running today on my own.  Right now mom is at work feeding the kids.  Anyways....Happy "29th" Birthday Mom!!  This was the only picture I could find of you, plus it's one of my favorites.  Maybe I'll have a steak waiting for you when you come home...or maybe some crab legs...or maybe some lobster....or how about just crab legs and lobster??...Now that sounds GOOD!!!  I'm pretty sure there are some in the freezer stocked away. 

Hey Mr H....when's your blog getting updated??  Mine has been on a roll lately and I'm not complaining!!

Also I'm sending out a hello to those over in the Netherlands and Russia.  HELLO!!!!  High Paw Five to you!!

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


January 18, 2011

Birthday Photos

Thank you Mr H and Mrs B for the card...High Paw Five

One more picture then I want the cupcake

Please mom....can I have the cupcake now??

YUMMO'S!!  That was good!!

Hi everybody.  

As you can see it's my 1st birthday.  Mom stayed home with me today from work because of the weather, there was no school today!! 

I've been told that there's more to come...I'm really starting to like this birthday thing..and tomorrow mom will be 37. 

Until next time....High Paw Five


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday....to me
Happy Birthday....to me
Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday...to me!! and many more!!!

I turned 1 year old today...now we are officially out of the monthly age.


January 17, 2011

A day at home with mom....

I'm on a mission....do you mind!!!

I have a lead.....

Could it be??....

I have a good feeling this is the spot.....

Mission accomplished!!!!

How do you like me now??!!!  Just because the snow covered my stick doesn't mean it's lost

Hi Everybody!!

I had a very good day.  Mom was off from work today, so she did all her 2010 billing and expenses for taxes.  I knew she was busy so I just stayed out of her way and didn't pest her one bit....until she was done.  After she was done we played....but this time my toy didn't go in the toliet like it did last night, and I wouldn't go in for it either...I said no way and walked away.

Mom took me outside for a little bit today to play in the snow.  Any other time I would get my stick, but since it snowed, all my sticks were covered.   Mom was happy that my sticks were covered, that way I'd do my business rather than running around.  Well today I got her back for being so mean.  I dug a stick out of the snow and when I found it I said how do you like me now!!!!...with a evil grin and chuckle.  She might be able to fool me, but I always get even with her some way or another.

We are having homemade pot pie tonight, our friend Claire is coming over for supper.  Maybe I'll get my nails clipped, even though she is my groomer. 

I smell something good in the kitchen besides pot pie...gonna go check it out. 

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


PS...Hey Mr H...my blog has been updated 2 days in a row!!  High Paw Five!!

January 16, 2011

A Message from Dove

Hi Gma Mary, Gpa Philip and Janice

I just want to let you know I'm happy in my forever home.  I have Bob and Sherri trained, they love me to pieces and tell me I'm just the perfect pup for them.  Everybody in the family loves me...especially the grand kids!!  The neighbor guy comes over with me almost everyday for a couple hours...he just can't get enough of me!!....but then again, I'm a SBG mobster....what else can you expect??

I was at the groomers recently, and the report I got was that I can come back anytime for a grooming. They just loved my personality.

Life is good!  Thank you for chosing Bob and Sherri to find me.  I love and miss you all.  Tell the mob I miss them, but I'm doing good....and spoiled. 

Dove Came To Visit Us....

Remeber me??  I'm Dove

Please Abby...For God's sake stop sniffing me!!

Come on Dove...I wanna play

Hey Dove....I'm wastching you

I'm showing my lion king face

We can do the firedogs trick too!!

Checking out one of Abby's views

I'm in "MY" new car!!

Dove checking out new car too

I'm jealous!!  These are Dove's wheels!!!

Today Dove came to visit, she's not the playing kind of pup.  I was bummed out a little bit, but believe me....I tried my hardest to get her to play.  Bob and Sherri are very happy with Dove, they say she's perfect!!  I took her on a tour of my house, we even went upstairs too!!  She seemed to like my house, but wanted to be by Bob's side at all times....them two are best buds.

We went out to see the new car, I finally had my picture taken in the car....it's about time Mom!!  Next time don't wait as long as you did this time.  Dove even came in to check the car out too.

I have to tell you this....mom started to play with me.  She was wrestling me and then started throwing my clog around.  Well...she threw it in the bathroom and I went and brought it back.  She threw it again and it bounce right into the toliet!!!  I wasn't about to go in and get it.  I said no way!!  Only Mom!!!

Mr H....I think your post helped me get mom moving on updating my blog...a big high paw five to you!!

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


While I'm Waiting For Dove...

My Favorite Squeaky Toy Clog

I'm brushed up and ready for Dove...and my toy is waiting too!!

I better rest before she comes....I need to have my dominance

Today Dove is coming to visit us, so I'm all ready to play.  I got brushed, teeth brushed, a small lunch to build up energy...not that I need more.  As you can see, I'm ready to take a quick snooze to build up even more energy!! 

So until later....High Paw Five!!


January 10, 2011

New Toy For Me

Hey everybody!!  I finally got mom to help me update my blog, it took one good bap on the head to get her moving.  I think they should design a computer that allows paws to type, then this would be updated ALOT!!  I think Mr. H and I can paton one....just imagine all the doggies that would be writing stories,   The name of the company would be....HAbby-B.  Sounds good to me!!

Ok....(rubbing my little temples and saying time to focus, never know when the next update will be).  We got a new car!!  My mom's stepdad bought our old green 1998 Ford Explorer Sport.  Instead of having 2 SUV's, now we have 2 cars!!  But I must say, I think I like the blue sportrac the best, just more me.  I'm a trucking kind of pup...not quite like Mr H and Mrs. B.   

My grandpa Jimmy used to drive truck, he'd go get potatoes.  Imagine all the neat things I would get to see, I'm sure he'd take me along with him.  I think he went as far as Montana, not totally sure on that one.  I know he used to do Florida.  But he's retired now, enjoying the good life of everyday being a Saturday.

My birthday is coming up next Tuesday...January 18th.  I'll be turning the big fat 1.  My mom's birthday is January 19th...she won't let me say how old she is.  Keep watching...it just might "slip"...teehee!!

We'll be getting pictures of the car with me in it.  Right now mom just doesn't want to be outside, for some reason she says she's minding the sharp air these days.

Until next time...High Paw Five!!

Abby Dabby Doo!!

January 04, 2011

Where are you mom??

Mom!!  Where are you??  My blog is in desperate need of updating!!

Maybe this will get her attention that when I mean business....I mean business!!

Until next time...High Paw Five!!
