April 30, 2011

Helping plant grass today.....

I found this laying on the ground.....I think mom dropped it.

Come on mom...get in the picture with me

me and mom

Yeah mom....over there

Missed a spot mom.....

Hey dad!!    Mom isn't listening to me!!!!

Tomorrow is Knoebles Grove day!!

Stay tuned!!.......

Until next time.....High Paw Five


April 26, 2011

Tulips are Blooming!!!

Come on Mom!!!  Get the camera!!  Our Tulips are blooming!

Hello!!  This will be bigger and better next year!

I think I have allergies.........NOT!!

Mom kept telling me how cute I am just sitting her with our flowers....and this picture is for Mr H, Mrs B and Kim.  It's my favorite

I really like the orange ones!

Looking good mom.....lets have this full of Tulips next year!!

I'm just so darn cute!!.....but I need a trimming soon!

Hey Everybody

Mom is up and about since getting over her nasty cold and pink eye.  I was the best medicine for her......she kept calling me Dr. Abby.  But with respect, Gma Karen diagnosed her with the pink eye and told her to get to the doctor after she was done working.......and surprisingly mom listened to her and went.  With the proper meds......she was all fixed up and ready to go.

The last couple of days have been gorgious outside.....80's.  Today when she got home from work, all of our Tulips that she planted in the fall are blooming.  She said we're going to do it again this fall, she didn't know how they'd turn out......and needless to say, we are all impressed!

I want to give a big high paw five to Mr H and Mrs B, and as well as Kim for checking in with mom during the last couple of days.

This weekend we're planning on going to Knoebles Grove for opening day.....can't wait for my train ride!!

And next weekend I'll be seeing the most famous fire dogs of all doggie times......Brinkley (mom can't wait to see you)....Matty (I'm going to kick your butt!!) and Jasper (well.....Jasper is Jasper, he's the boss).

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


April 23, 2011

Under the weather...........

Hey Everbody!

I'm just checking in with everybody.  Mom hasn't updated my blog for almost a week now.....and this time it's a good reason.

Mom has been under the weather since Tuesday, started out with a sore throat, had it for 2 days........then it moved into her sinuses.

Thursday morning when she went into work, her boss looked at her and told her to get the doctor after she's done working.........her boss said she strongly believes she has pink eye.

Needless to say, mom got to see the doctor and her boss was right.........pink eye it is!

We will get updated soon............i promise!

Dr. Abby

April 17, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Hey mom.....I'm in the mud!!  Mr H should be proud!!

I found this....where do you want me to put it??

You see this??.........this will turn orange in about a month....can't wait!!

Hangning out on my bank


almost gone

No  mom......I'm not ready to come in yet!!

Hey Everybody!!

All day yesturday it was raining...there was water everywhere!!  I just went out to do my business and soon I was back in where it was dry. 

It was just me and mom this weekend, while dad was at camp.  He wanted to go fishing, but he said it was too cold so he didn't go.  However, mom was annoyed when he brought the deer wagon home to keep in the basement.  Last fall she got a dumpster and started pitching things out........she was on a mission.  There's some work to do down there yet, but now there's a wagon.  Never know, she might find another home for it.

I was outside today, it was a little breezy....my ears were flapping in the wind.  I was supposed to stay out of the mud under our big maple tree........you guessed it...I was in it.

Later on in the afternoon......we went for a ride up through and got some ice cream at the All Star Ice Cream Shop.  Mom had the peanut butter blast and I had the doggie dish.....they put a bisciut in there for me too!!!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five


Rainy Saturday

Just look at all that water and mud that's under my tree


April 14, 2011

Look at what I did......

Hey Everybody!!

Last night I was a busy little beaver.  While mom was sleeping on the couch, I decided to take a peek inside of my sock monkey toy.  Well....inside there was alllllllll this stuffing, and I thought it had to come out as if it didn't belong there.

Mom got up this morning, got a shower, got breakfast, I kept mom busy by not looking in the room.....the hard work paid off because she gave me egg and cottage cheese.  I'm so glad she didn't see this before I got my breakfast....because maybe I wouldn't have gotten any. 

Mom went in the room to shut off the stove and that's when she found it.  All I heard mom say was....I can't clean it up now, I have to get going for work, I'll clean it up when I get home this afernoon.  I just wonder what the FedEx guy thought when he knocked on the door. 

So Mr. H......don't feel so bad.  I have naughty moments too! 

Until Next Time....High Paw Five


April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Gma Karen!!

Happy Birthday Gma Karen!!

Love ya


April 11, 2011

I got mail....

Thanks Mr H and Mrs B!  I got your card today!  Thanks Kim for the book!  Mom loved it!

we're out on our side porch

sticking my snoot through the railings

my nose....   LOL

Hey mom...your truck needs a washing!

Forget about washing the truck...there's a storm brewing

Hi Mom

Yeah you.......I'm looking at you

Hey Everybody

Today I got mail again...this time it was from Mr H, Mrs B and Kim.  Mom loved the little book, she was giggling.
Today's weather was really really nice.  Mom told me that they had lunch outside today at work.  If there's one thing about my mom.....she loves being outside.  She wishes she had her picnic table out today.  The temps were in the 80's

We went out on our side porch...she put the gate up so I wouldn't go down the steps.  We live by the main rod she doesn't trust me to be free like that.  If we lived off a busy street, then it would be considered.

I know this is short tonight....but I wanted to give a big thanks to my guys in Wisconsin.

Until Next Time.....High Paw Five


April 10, 2011

Nursing home visit....

On Thursday April 7th, mom came home from ork and said we were going to make a visit to the nursing home.

We arrived at the home around 3:15 and we were there until about 4:30.

Once we got there, we were greeted....or should I say I was greeted  :)

Our first stop was in the activity room, must have been about 15 in...they all wanted to see me, talk to me, hug me and hold me.  There was even this one guy who was giving me crackers.....for some reason I wanted to stay with him!

We moved to another section and over in the corner there was a man sitting in his wheel chair.  The nurse said to go over, but she wasn't sure if he'd be interested.  So, we went over and he just beamed from ear to ear smiling.  He talked to me a little bit and giving me ear rubs....i love ear rubs!!  We told him we'd be back another day, he said he'll be waiting.

So there's my visit to our local nursing home....short and brief, they were starting to get supper going and mom thought it was time to go.

Until next time....High Paw Five!!


April 03, 2011

Canine Good Citizen Test Results Now Posted.......

Hey Everybody!!

Today I got to go for a "spa treatment" before I took the test.  The groomers loved me!!  They said I was well behaved and I can come back anytime.  The did a pedicure too, not a problem, I just held up my little paw and left them do what was needed.  Mom is afraid to trim my nails....she's afraid she'll cut into the bloodline, so she'll take me somewhere to have it done.  Hey....it's a ride in the car for me....so it's a win win situation.

Anyways....as for the test.   I passed with flying colors!!  The evaluator was impressed with how mom and I work together.  That's why we're known as The "A" Team!! 

The book for the home study therapy training is ordered and should arrive this week.  I think mom is going to take a couple of weeks off for me to just enjoy the nice weather....I hope it's nice!

Tonight we were asked if we wanted to go to the Upper Dauphin Middle School to show them all about us doggies and how to take care of us from training to grooming.  Mom told them to let her know so she can tell them at work to get someone in to cover for her.

So until next time....High Paw Five!!


Test Day with a Durbin fix.....

Today is test day.  Mom's feeling pretty godod about today, and so am I.  But I know we'll both be relieved when this is over.  We're getting the Therapy Dog training book to train at home instead of driving to Lancaster for 8 weeks.  That way when w're ready, we'll find an evaluator and schedule a test date.  Mom already looked into it with the AKC, and it can be done this way.  Very cool Mom!!

Mom was talking to Kathy and the Florida 4, they tell us that we're already in good shape, just a little tune up here and there and we'll be on our way to make all the difference we can.

Wish us luck!! 

Until Next Time....High Paw Five


April 02, 2011

Thank You to my secret admirer.....

Hey Everybody!!

Today I got a card in the mail with a little spending money for treats or a toy....I love getting mail!!  Anyways....this card was signed by an admirer in our local pharmacy!  Thank you and a High Paw Five to you!!

Tomorrow is my big day, I'm going for my good citizen test...I can't wait to get the little badge.  But mom is wondering....if I become a "good citizen", do I have to pay these taxes I hear about? 

Until next time....High Paw Five


3rd Day of Durbin Fever

April 01, 2011

Durbin Fever Continues.....

Durbin Fever continues....right now there's no meds to take care of it.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

Egg and Cottage Cheese for breakfast

Come on mom...I know I'm cute, but I would like my egg now..

num num num num num...yummo's!!

Hey Everybody

I hope you got the chance to read sally and lacey's story.  If you haven't, go check it out.

Mom made me breakfast this morning...as soon as I heard the microwave door open, it was time for business.
However, this is our routine :)

Now I'm off to do some playtime....

Until next time...High Paw Five!!
