December 31, 2011

Bella has a network....

Bella's Body Guards Against Auntie Kim....

Hey Everybody!!
This is only a joke here...but mom's being deviled that Bella will be dognapped by Kim and Jodi for how cute she is.  I do have to admit, she is so darn cute!!  Kim and Jodi try to get mom going as much as they can....because it's funny to watch mom react to all of this...

We all can't wait till Bella's arrival...I'm thinking about hiring a band for the welcome home celebration.......

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

New photos of my sis Bella,,,,

Hey Everybody!!

Bella just got a bath and is all spiffed up...looking good!!
Just weekend we'll be playing!!
Until Next Time...High Paw Five

December 30, 2011

Putting Christmas stuff away....

Ok mom....looks like everything's in...

Inspecting the tree to make sure mom didn't miss any balls.....

Hey mom....there's a purple ball back here...I'll get it...

I'm going in....

It's right here...I almost have it....

I got it...i'm backing up....I need back up beeps....

Here ya go!!  Thanks mom for telling me job well done...

Hey Everybody!!

Mom and I put almost all the Christmas stuff away today.  Since it was warm out, she took everything down since we're going into a freeze next week.  So that's all taken care of!!

But there's a sad part to all of more animail, but I sure know I can look forward to some next year, and Bella too!!

Gotta go...I think mom's watching tv...can't have that!!
Until Next Time...High Paw Five

December 29, 2011

Helping with end of year paperwork.....

Hey Everybody!!

I'm helping with doing the yearly paperwork.  I think the government should allow mom to claim me as a dependent...I do DEPEND on mom to update my blog.

Until Next Time...(if you can find me in the mounds of paper)...High Paw Five
Abby need to share!!!!!

Our 2011 SBG Family Reunion article.....

I can't wait for the 2012 SBG Reunion!!  It'll be here before we know it!!

Click on the link below and you'll see the article.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

December 28, 2011

Thought of the day....

“Try to learn something about everything
and everything about something.”
~ Thomas Henry Huxley
(1825 – 1895)

Hey Everybody!!

Mom came across this tonight and she had to post it.  Learning is a wonderful thing, I'm still a learning pup, and soon I'll be able to teach Bella to learn from me...

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

After a hard day's work......

Now working on the freezer....

Ok mom....put this in the freezer....

Mom....don't stop on me now, we did alot of work today, don't go and sit down, you'll never get back up to finish.  I think this will be the last thing we'll do today, because tomorrow you'll be crunching numbers getting ready for taxes. 

I must say...I'm impressed with how mom was updating my blog today....take that H!  Haha!!

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

Turbo charged hemi scooter.....

Putting tree #1 away....

Looks good from here....

I think you can get the whole tree in this bin....

Mom decided rather than doing paperwork today, she's gonna start putting some Christmas stuff away.  So I get to play boss today....

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

Our new fridge....

Hey Everybody!!

Yesturday this big truck was parked out front....soon 2 guys come in and they take our refridgerator out.  I was so upset over it, because I like my treats to be cool.  Well soon the guys come in with a new one....and the coolest feature of it all is that it's black like me!!  

But now I need to figure out how to get up to the water dispenser.....nothing like fresh water 24/7.....

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

December 26, 2011

Lazy Day....

Hey Everybody!!

Today is a lazy day...I'm just so worn out from the last couple of days with all the excitement of Christmas.  I must say...I like the way mom's been updating my blog this month.  I think this is the 31st post for the  month of December.  Whoohoo!!

There's been some thoughts roaming around that mom should make bella have her own blog.  Mom has a thought on that too....Where's Mrs. B's Blog??  She's not sure how she wants to handle this...she thought about combining us like the firedogs have theirs...or just have a bella blog.  We'll just have to wait and see.....

Tomorrow we are expecting another delivery.  This delivery thing just doesn't stop around here!!  Mom's getting a new refridgerator....french door with freezer on the bottom.  She spent the day cleaning up the kitchen getting the space ready.  Mom and dad took the chest freezer down in the basement because where the freezer was, the new refrigerator will be going won't fit under the cabinets.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

Christmas Day....

Ok Mom....I think everything's opened....

Hey everybody!!

I got to go to Alyce's house (my mom's mom) and I was running around checking things out.  I don't get to go in ther house that I take every opportunity I can get to snoop out the house. 

After we were done there, we went to doug's mom and dad's house for dinner.  I had some roast beef and boy was it ever good!!  Mr would have loved it!  Mrs. B...I think you would have loved it too!!  Dad sits and laughs at the way mom eats her baked potato.  What she does it, she cuts the top of the potato off, puts little slices in and puts butter on the top.  Then she eats the potato by hollowing it out...never eats the shell.

We opened gifts again...I got more toys!!

Until Next Time...High Paw Five!!

Christmas Eve....

What's in here....

Cool Beans!!!....A New Blanket!!  Blue is my favorite color, and it's mom's favorite color too!!

Come on me open this one...

What is it?? 

It's a mat for my bowls...and it has my name on it too!!

Thanks Auntie Kim for the toys!!

Mom...don't you even think about it...this is mine for Auntie Kim...

This didn't take long to rip apart....sorry Mr. H...must have "B" bad traits...

Mom...hand it over, it's mine!!  I  think you need to clean up the living room, there's so much stuff laying around.

Thanks Santa!! 

Here mom..this is for you!!

Hey Everybody!!

Christmas Eve was a busy night.  We had dinner with Doug's mom and dad, grandmother and aunt.  Mom and Dad did something different this year, rather than making turkey dinner....they went to KFC and got dinner there.  I had some chicken and it was good!!

After dinner we went over in the living room and opened some of the gifts.  I got a new blanket and some toys.  But...that when we told everybody about bella....everybody can't wait to meet the little girl.

Then soon the computer got hooked up to the TV....and then I heard this familair was Auntie Kim!!  She joined up for our Christmas Eve through skype!  Doug's grandmother thought that was really neat, she was talking about it the next day again....she enjoyed it!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

December 25, 2011

Breaking News is finally released!!

Meet Little Miss Bella.....

Hey Everybody!!
Mom's been wanting to post this for awhile now, but last night this was presented to Pap Lucas showing him I'm getting a little sister!!  Everybody was happy about the news, and now we surely can't wait for Bella's arrival.

Bella is a pure chocolate cocker spaniel like me...except I'm black.  If you think mom takes good pictures of me...just wait till it's the two of us!  Anyways...Bella is about 14 weeks old (we need to find out her birthday) and she is in Lousianna.  Our wonderful friend Jodi (Boomer's mom) is flying down on January 6th to pick her up and bring her home.  Yep, Bella will fly on a plane to come home......something I never did yet.  Mom and dad will go pick Bella up on January 7th and bring her to "our" house.  I can tell you this though...we'll be making stops to show off my little sister.

Keep checking back...they'll be more updates as the Christmas day carries on....I have some photos to post from last night too.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

December 24, 2011

Thank you Auntie Jerra

Thank you Auntie Jerra!!  What a nice surprise sitting on our porch! 
Merry Christmas!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

December 23, 2011

Christmas Gifts Completed.......

Mom and I got the living room ready.....looks real good.
Next....dining room

Thanks mom on the blog updates....your doing great!!  Take that H...

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

Mom's home for Christmas break!!!

I just wanted to let you is home for Christmas break!!  She has a couple of weeks off to spend with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!  (victory dance!!) 

Today we're making some more cookies, right now there are cookies being delivered through the mail, she's hoping the one in Florida gets hers by tomorrow.

There will be more updates during the next couple of days for sure....especially when I get my gifts from Santa Paws.....

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

December 22, 2011

a little update......

I decided to do a little  update from this week.  As posted earlier, it was Kevin and Marsha's birthday this week.  Happy Belated birthday!!

Abby and I were busy making cookies for the bakery, as a matter of fact, as soon as I'm done writing this post, I'll be making more.

This year was a different kind of year, we made some awesome friends from the SBG crew!  The reunion at Knoebles was a blast!!  The next reunion is scheduled for June 16, but this year, all of SBG attendees must go on the train ride.

Even though we lost Gma Mary and our hearts were heavy....but just take a look around.  She created an extended family and didn't even realize it until everybody came together.  How cool is that??!!

Abby will be going for her therapy dog test in i have to get a move on with studying the book.  March will be here before I know it!!

Besides the friends I made with the SBG crew.  I want to give a big thanks to one of my best friends...Momma H!  She was always there when I needed her, never judged me and told me exactly how it is....but most of all, she was always honest and very trust worthy.

Christmas is coming up in a couple of Mr. H says, go out there and put your best paw forward.  But with the Christmas or how many gifts you get or give isn't what makes a good Christmas.  It's all your friends and family being there that make a good Christmas.

Happy Holidays everybody!!

Abby's Mom...Angie

Whoohooo!! Animail from Mr H and Mrs B!!

I smell some good stuff in here....

Hey Everybody!!

I got mail the other day from Mr H and Mrs B (B for Bad).  We opened the box and found 2 packages in there....I wanted to open it but mom said no, we'll keep them to open on Christmas Morning....but I don't want to wait, I want to start shredding.  I wonder if there's money in it, I love shredding money!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

Happy Belated Birthday Kevin and Marsha!!

Happy Birthday!!! take this hat off me..

Mom has gotten behind on the blog this week. She was super busy making cookies for the I gave her some time off from the blog.  But...last night I had to have a stern talk with her, I said you had enough of time off...time to get back to the drawing board and start working on my blog.  I tell ya, I think computers should have a pawbutton on the keyboard.

So....happy belated birthday to Kevin and Marsha...I had to put Kevin first because he's a little over an hour older than Marsha.

Hey fireboys...I hope you got your mom and dad some goodies like they give you goodies on  your birthday!!  If not, I will be making the call to HB patrols and report you guys.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

December 18, 2011

Busy Day...

No Photo's Today....

I'm upset with mom...she broke the December rule of one post a day. But I decided to let her slide because she posted 2 or 3 from the other day.

Tonight mom did some of her wrapping...I made sure I was out of her way, didn't want to get wrapped up again.

5 Days until Christmas...I think we'll be doing a Christmas countdown for the week. 

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

December 17, 2011

a helping paw...........

I don't think this is how it's supposed to work...I'm not the one thats is supposed to get wrapped......
I'm calling HB patrols about this situation on my pawphone.

Until Next Time.....High Paw Five

I met Santa today......

Hey Everybody!!

Today mom and dad took me to Lebanon today to meet Santa.  I liked him this year, he didn't seem so cranky like he was last year....guess some little puppy was asking for to much.  But this year he was so happy to see me....I gave him my list and he gave me that magical wink  Only a few more days until Santa comes to my house.....gotta make sure I'm a good girl.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

On my way to see Santa!!!

December 15, 2011


Hey Everybody!!

Mom got a big brown envelope out of the mailbox today, she said I think this is for you! We opened it and it was a card from the Florida 4 and a picture of them too!  But...there was an ornament in there too and it had my name on cooooool!!  I had mom take a picture of it hanging on the tree.  Now we'll see how long it takes dad to see it, or if he sees the blog first.

And..................there were some treats in there too!!  YUMMO'S!!!!!

Until Next Time.....High Paw Five

December 14, 2011

Meet the Florida 4

The Florida 4

Hey Everybody!!

Meet some more of my friends....these are the Fabulous Florida 4!  Lucky for them, they live very close to the beach!  Don't let mom figure that out...she loves the beach.

On a quick note...they are all therapy pups!!  So in other words....they are my roll models, so keep up the good work and I'll follow the paw prints you leave.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five!!

December 13, 2011

This toy is neat.......

Inspecting all the bags....

hmmm....what's that??

I think I found something neat in here.......
Got it!!!!!!!! It's MINE now..

Boy this really stretches....but now mom figured out what it is I have...

Hey everybody!!

Mom had her hearing today about a citation she got in the mail from the accident.  She got a fine for driving at a safe speed.  So mom appealed it.  Well today the lawyer worked it out with the cop about putting the citation for leaving the roadway instead of driving at a safe speed which gives points.  So the trooper went to mom and talked to her a bit and said, you caused a big mess over swerving to miss a deer with the pole.  Mom said she understood that, but she said that's not the only thing, "I lost my truck too through all this too".  The trooper couldn't believe it, he said the truck didn't look bad.  Mom said it was the frame that was bent underneath.

The trooper looked at mom and said, we have to write something up with a citation because it was a reportable accident, but I'm going to drop the charges.  Soon moms lawyer comes in  and says your all clear, all charges have been dropped.  Mom asked the lawyer if he wanted to get paid there or if he was going to send a bill.  He said "Nothing...Merry Christmas.  Your just lucky you weren't seriously hurt"...and walked out.

Mom left the place and went to do grocery shopping.  Once she got home I had to inspect the bags and I found something really neat.  I found the bag of toys mom bought but there was thing other thing in there that i was more interested in.  Here it was mom's puff ball for the shower.  At first she thought I had one of the toys until I was stretching it.  Then she ran after me thought the house to get it from me.  But she fooled me........she asked me if I wanted a cookie, and I dropped it and she took it away.  I did get a cookie though for dropping it.

Hey bro!!  Mom's doing a pretty good job on keeping the blog is your mom.  I think the Hb patrols have prevailed!!

Until Next Time......High Paw Five!!