October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween

A special thank you to gma mary for making editing this picture.  She added the smokey effect...I love it!!

Until next time...High Paw Five and a big drool of a  kiss to Gma Mary!!

October 28, 2010

Today I was out running around and I brought a branch for mom.  She says...only you Abby!

As for the haircut, mom had the puff taken off the top of my head...we're going to let that grow back, I just don't look right without it.

Also....mom couldn't go through with getting a haircut, so I just got a trim which is fine with me!  I need this fur for the cold winter that's coming, but not as cold as Mr. H's.  He'll have snow to play in, I'm told we'll have maybe 1 snowstorm if we're lucky.  Our area mostly gets rain...no snow :(  But now since I wrote that, it'll give a blizzard to prove me wrong.

Until next time....High Paw Five!!

October 27, 2010

Laptop back from hospital

Hi everybody!!  I just want to let everybody know all is well here.  My laptop took a poop on me and had to go to the hospital for about over a week!!  We couldn't use the slot for the camera card, nor use USB's and we could not delete anything...when we would try it would shut down.  Different things were happening, but didn't think it was this bad.   Mom was very very frustrated!!  So she took it in and now it's like a brand new computer...and the guy was able to save all of mom's photos.  She was afraid she'd loose them all, most of them were of me from the time I was born until now.

Ok...lets get down to business.  Mr H...thanks for being a concerned big brother!  Love you bro.
Mom and dad went to a wedding on Saturday, so I had the house to myself for most of the day.  Talk about relaxation!!  Mom will post photo's from her sister's wedding, but we're very jealous right now....they are in the domican republic soaking up the sun!!

I had class this past Monday night.  I'm able to go on the bed now when told to.  But now we were working on me sitting and mom being 20 ft away...and I have to stay sitting for 2 minutes!!  Ain't no way that's happening...I need to be close to mom.  The best I did was 45 seconds.  I got the heeling mastered.  But then the trainer threw a curve ball, I was supposed to loose leash walk instead of heel, I felt like turning around and say....Make up your mind, either heel or loose leash walk, take your pick!!

Today I'm going to my very first haircut.  I only had my back, face and around the ears cut....but today it's a complete make over!  I'm debating on having the SBG puff on my head, I have till 2:30 to make up my mind.

Mr. H....you look like me with paper...I'm a very good paper shredder! 

I'm making plans on maybe going to camp one weekend...need to see what weekend works and maybe see what my handsome firedogs are up to.

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


P.S.  Mr H...here's my email address  schme@pa.net
mom would like to get your address...soon Christmas time!!

October 19, 2010


We had unexpected vistitors tonight.  It was mom's nephews Wyatt (4) Garret (3) Dalton (11 months).  We played and ran...they wore me out!!  Mom couldn't believe that I just stopped playing...I was pooped from all the running, jumping, playing tug of war and fetch.  I heard that Wyatt wanted to sleep here tonight, mom said not tonight that she had to go to work in the morning.  I'm looking forward to him sleeping here, we'll just play and play....probably I'll snuggle with him too!

Well, we had class 6 last night.  All went well, we did alot of reviews from the beginning until now.  After that we did the stay while mom walked about 10ft from me....I wanted to get up and go to her, but that was not the excercise.  Mom was able to get about 7 ft from me until I took a step....we'll work on that.

Now I'm off to finish watching NCIS....my favorite show!!

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


PS.  Mr. H...I wish I could be there to run through the park with you...looks like fun!!  Just wait till it snows!!

October 17, 2010

What's all the commotion??

On Friday afternoon there was a lot of commotion going on outside my front door.  I went and checked it out...we got a new road!!  It looks really nice, the did a really good job!!  I was watching them work for the longest time...I felt like I was their supervisor making sure everything was going smoothly! 

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


Girl Scout Presentation

I did a presentation to our local girl scouts.  There were about 10 girls about 9-10 years old.  This was at Claire's place, she does the grooming and she's one of mom's friends...thats the place where mom used her shop to clean me up when I was full of paint.

The girls came and they watched Claire groom a dog.  Then it was my turn....mom introduced me and told the girls how old I am and where I came from.  She also said that we were going to classes and we're working on getting me into being a therapy dog.  Well, we went over everything I learned, and I did everything on the first command.  The girls were impressed with me and how I listened and did everything I was told to do with using hand signals only!!  Whoohooo for me!!  Some of the girls wanted to try, so mom left them.  I did what they wanted me to do, but it took about 3 tries, I didin't know what I was supposed to do since mom is the one that I listen to.

I am not wearing this hat!!  And you can't make me!!

I did get out of wearing the hat.

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


Class 5

We had our class last Monday night.  Mom got a bit behind in helping me keep up with my blog.

Anyways...we did our loose leash walking and we worked hard on our heeling working in a figure 8 path...in the middle of Petsmart.  At first my nose wanted to go elsewhere...but then I knew it was time to get down to business!!

We also did our come when called with good smelling treats on the floor.  The objective was to go straight to mom and not to stop for treats.  Mom was a little bit tensed thinking I would go for the treats instead of her...but I fooled her!!  We did it twice and twice I went straight to her.  She was happy and I was proud!!

We went back to our room for the last excercise.  Kay (our trainer) was looking over lessons...I don't know what Kay was saying to herself, but mom heard her and said..."Now that's a scary thought"..with a grin.  Kay did the Dinozzo slap from NCIS.  Mom was stunned a bit then chuckled and said....been awhile since I had one of them.  Normally she gets them at work from Karen for throwing smart remarks around....that's just how mom and Karen are, always back and forth at each other, all for fun.


October 10, 2010

Another Weekend of Painting....

Mom and I painted again this weekend.  This time we painted our bedroom, it used to be white, but now it's a greyish blue....I really like it.  We also painted the woodwork white, just makes the room look so comfy!!

Anyways...as your know me by now, there's has been a twist lately in my behavior....but this time it was mom's fault!!
She spilled paint on the carpet, we're planning getting new carpet anyways, but she wanted to clean it up.  When she went back out in the kitchen to clean up, I just happened to see the gate and I pulled it enough for me to get in(doors were taking off).  So I went in and inspected...all looks good!!  Oh wait a minute, my nose found a new smell!!

Well look at what my little wondering innocent nose did to me!!

Top that one Brinkley!! LOL

Until next time....High Paw Five


PS...mom had to wash out my highlights...i thought it looked good!!

October 07, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!!

Rain rain go away...come back another day, and I'm not talking this weekend either.  Mom and I have plans while dad's out of town for a few days.  He and his dad are going to camp and heading over to Ralph Wilson Stadium to watch the sucky Buffalo's Bills loose!!

Anyways, Monday night we had class, it was just me and mom that were there....the others didn't show up.  So we were one on one with the teacher, I have to admit I like it that way, I get all the attention!!  We learned the bed.  At first mom would point down and I had to come on the bed.  Then mom would point and say bed, then i had to go sit on it again!!  Soon mom was about 5 ft away and was saying bed...I looked at er and said no way!!  It's too early to go to bed!! 

Tonight I got into some trouble again!  This piece of paper just came floating down onto the floor....so I chewed it up into a million pieces....here it was mom's waterbill!!  Thank dogness it was already paid for!  Or I wouldn't have any water to drink.

Like I said earlier, mom and I have plans for the weekend, we're cleaning out the bedroom for one, then moving down to the basement.  She wants to get as much done before November 15th, she's have surgery done...relax..mom says it's only minor, but she'll be off work for a few weeks.  One of the things shes talking about doing the weekend before surgery is hanging Christmas lights out....getting everything done that requires a ladder.  I don't know what christmas lights are, but i'm sure curious and can't wait.  She told me about trees in the house too...why would you want trees in the house and put lights on is beyond me....but I'm ready to see what it's all about!!  I was told theres about 8 trees that go up, dad says that's going to be a mess with me.  He thinks I'll be after them.

Until next time...High Paw Five!!
Abby Dabby Doooooo!!

October 04, 2010

Cocker Spaniel and her dog tricks!

Mom found this on youtube....now she's getting ideas!!
I'm sure she'll be working with me on some of these things in the winter time.
Are you with me Mr. H??

October 03, 2010

The Badness Continues.....

The badness continues...I just thought if I destroy this, I'd get a new bed...possibly a theraputic one with my name on it....how bout it dad??!! 

October 02, 2010

Catching up

Lots have happened since I chewed on mommy's laptop power cord.  She keeps telling me I was lucky that it wasn't plugged in.

Well...we'll start with my classes.  I am in intermediate classes and there's only one other one in my class.  The first night of classes our instructor Kay introduced us.  Then Kay was chuckling...she looked at me and asked mom how old I am, she said going on 8 months soon.  They she asked the others they theirs was going on 7 months.  Then Kay followed up with Abby....meet Abby!!  She's a king charlies spaniel.

The first night was learning the wait...it took me a little bit, but I just don't understand the difference between wait and stay....seems the same to me.

The second week I was the only one that showed up, I learned how to heel...honestly mom doesn't really like when I walk by her side, she'd rather have me out front. 

The third week I learned how to sit and stay with mom walking around me, I couldn't move, I had to stay.  Took about 5 minutes till I figured out what I needed t do, but once I did...mom was tickled.  After classes, Kay gave mom a brochure of Therapy Dog and where to take the test....we're figuring taking the test in the spring.  One of the requirements is I have to a year old before I can do any kind of testing.

Last week mom went to a concert in Gratz, she went to see Ryan Pelton....I have a picture of me looking at his hair in an earlier posting.  Mom took that picture along, and after the show she had him sign it.  Ryan looked at it and said..."I remember this puppy!"  Teehee....people remember me, but not my mom!!

We finished the living room last night, we had to do some touch up....we're officially done with the living room!!  That's ok, we're sick of painting.  Next time maybe we should have Brinkley come and help.

On October 12th, we were invited to do a presentation for the girl scouts.....I know I'll be just fine, but I don't know how mom will be.

Hey Mr. H...your sure getting around these days, be safe and keep being good and putting your best paw forward!  Proud of you Bro!

Until next time...High Paw Five!!


I'm powered back up

Yippie!!! The fedex man dropped off a package for mommy. It's her laptop power cord.

Right now she and daddy are out for dinner, She told me that later on tonight after they get back, she's goingto update the blog.

Going to catch up on mr. H's blog...see you soon!!