February 29, 2012

Good morning!!!

Good morning everybody!!
Pulling my blanket out the crate every morning is a routine for me.....not to worry, mom puts it in before she goes off.

Have a nice day!!

Until next time...little paws

February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Happy  Birthday DAD!!!

Ok...mom asked us what we'll do for dad's birthday.  I said I'd be his little girl for the night.  But when she asked Maggie...she gave a list!  She said I won't have ANY accidents tonight and I'll run my hot laps...plus I won't beg for his food either.

This birthday hat thing makes me sleepy!!

Happy Birthday Dad!!
Abby and Maggie

February 26, 2012

Teaching Maggie about baking our treats....

Hey everybody!!

I was teaching Maggie about my little doggie bakery that I have. I told her about all the treats we make, she's ready for some banana blueberry biscotti's!!

But, I said, you must get covered in flour to show your actually working....then mom will give us some treats.

Until next time...high paw five!!
Abs and mags

the numbers flipped.....

Hey Everybody!!

It's been brought to my attention tonight that we have hit our 20,000 mark!!
Thanks for coming to our blog and seeing what we're up to and what kind of mischiefs we get into.

We will continue posting our stories...or like mom says, our journal(s) of the day, as long as our fans keeping checking in on us.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

February 25, 2012

We're off....

Abby and Maggie tug of war...

I'm doing just fine!!

Boomer's working out too....

I just found out Boomer's been working out extra hard lately to.  He wants to looks his best for the reunion in June. 
With this all being said...guess Maggie and I have to start too

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

Firedogs are working out.....

The firedogs are working out hard....

Seems as if the firedogs are going to be the best looking fellas at the reunion.  Seems as if they are going to the gym and are working out hard.  Can't wait to see your six pack abs!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

Maggie's Surgery...

Looks good mom....Maggie will love her wall mount tv in her little house....

Yep....looks pawsome!!

Hey Everybody!!
Maggie left early Tuesday morning for her surgery....so I spent the day myself here at the house.  Let me tell you....I was waiting by the door until she came home. 
When mom came home, I thought Maggie was with her, but there was no Maggie.  So I just stayed by the door waiting.
Soon mom calls the vet and gets a report that Maggie did well during her surgery and she'll be discharged at 5.  So with that being said, dad stopped on his way home from work to bring her home.
Once she got home....I wanted to play, but she wanted to sleep.

Now...can you believe it??!!  Maggie got her own wall mount Plasma HD tv??  She got way more than I ever did....but that's ok.  Now I can teach her the bad stuff....

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

Mom....please let me rest!!

What's a pup like me to do?  I'm trying to take a nap to recharge my little batteries to go after Abby's tail again!!


Hanging around home....

Where've you been??  Haven't see you in awhile

This is what I think of the surgery that's coming up....

Mom....Abby's the one that's not behaving!!  I'm just sittig here...

Abby....I'm eyeing up that tail!!

Hey Everbody!!
Mom's a little behind on the blog, but for good reason.  Maggie had surgery on Tuesday....its what some of us girls go through.  So these pictures we're taken the day before her surgery.
And....Maggie likes to go after my tail...what is it with my tail??!!

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

February 20, 2012

Mom's Day Off...Play all day!!

Maggie....I had it first!!

Abby...mom says we need to share!!

and I decided....I'm not sharing with you!!

Yes....i'm airborne here...

Abby.....that's MINE!!

MOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Abby took my toy!!

Maggie....mom said we have to share....

Hey Everybody!!

Mom was off work today...but we didn't start playing until she was done doing her online course.  She completed that around 11:30 this morning and took the post test, she got an 88% on her post test.  Now she has to find a place to go and take the test for the cerification.  She says....it's not bad, now the worse part is over.

But after she was done, we played....and it seemed as if we had a sharing problem today.  But it was all in fun anyways.
Maggie did some flying today...she's getting better with her take offs.  After we played, we took a nap.  I slept on the recliner and Maggie slept down on the floor....while mom was watchign tv.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five!!

February 17, 2012

My turn for spa treatment....

Move over Maggie....it's my turn to show off my spa treatment...

Can you believe when I got home...Maggie took my  poof ball that was put on my collar?  Well she did, then she ran off with it!  She shall wait till she gets bows put in her ears.....and I'll take them from her!

Until Next Time.....High Paw Five

February 15, 2012

Maggie got her spa treatment today....

She keeps singing....I'm sexy and I know it!!

Nice pose there....

Finally....I'm in a picture

Mom....you weren't quick enough!!

Hey Everybody!!
Today Maggie had her spa treatment today...she had a good pawgress report.
I go for mine on Friday.

She had bows on her ears...but they only lasted about 5 minutes after she got back home.  I do gotta admit...she does smell good!

Now she's going around the house singing...I'm sexy and I know it!  I think she needs to stop listening to the radio during the day in her little house she's in.  The other day she house cleaned her house...put all her toys in a line, dusted the walls off, hung new pictures of our friends.  I heard her asking mom to have a plasma HD TV with surround sound system installed in her house.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
Abby and Maggie

February 13, 2012

Emergency...Emergency!! HB patrol ALERT!!!!

Mr H!!

There's an HB Patrol ALERT!!

Seems as if there's some major slacking going with some of our moms. My mom is doing a good job.....but its your mom!! Time to give her a pawslap like Gibs does.

Also....seems as if firedogs are having trouble too. Marsha must be holding their pawphones hostage preventing them fellas to call you. Don't worry fellas....I got you covered.

Lights and Sirens needed ASAP

Abby and Maggie

February 12, 2012

High Paw Five Production....Snow Day

Hey Everybody!!

I didn't want to be out to long, it was cold and windy. But Maggie....she was having fun running through the snow.

Enjoy our High Paw Five Productions

Until Next Time...High Paw Five
Abby and Maggie

Yeah...I'm talking to you...

come back later tonight to see more photos from today...
you'll be glad you did..


February 08, 2012

On Hiatus......

Happy Birthday Gma Mary!!

I will never forget you....
"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance.
They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life.
And, most importantly, cookies."
~Rudolph Giuliani

Today it's Gma Mary's Birthday...
even though she's not with us....she will never be forgotten.
Kim said to mom the other night, and mom agrees.
Mary sewed the last quilt using all parts of the SBG Family.

Happy Birthday!!

Here's proof showing that we have our mom's and dad's trained.....

February 07, 2012

February 05, 2012

Congrats to New York Giants...

Come on Eli....do your magic!!  We need to look good on Abby's blog

We won!!

Oh no...that was Mr H coming through my headset....sounds as if HB Patrol is coming to escort us out the building....

Hey Everybody!!

Congratulations to the New York Giants on their superbowl win tonight!!
It was a good game...but I must say, I loved the Doritos commerical about the missing cat.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
with a low paw five
Abby and Maggie

PS....seems as if Mr H's mom is having a problem keeping H's blog updated :)

Mr H seems to have everything under pawtrol

February 04, 2012

Good Luck Giants!!

Good Luck to the New York Giants against the Patriots for the superbowl game.

Abby and Maggie


Hey Everybody!!

We have given Bella a new name, that name is Maggie.  Mom was going to rename her from the beginning, but decided to go the route of Bella.  Now she's going her first route only if Bella responded to Maggie....and she has.

However....some wish to still call her Bella, that's fine, she will always know it's her when she hears Bella.

I do have to admit...I have 4 names here myself.  It's Abby, Absters, Addy dabby doo and Abs.


Something new to the blog.....

Hey Everybody!!

There's something new that mom came up with for the blog.  It's over on the right side of your screen.  Instead of music playing....this time there's a little video going on over there.  I think it deserves a high paw five for great thinking!!


February 02, 2012

Ground Hog Day....

What's this talk about a ground hog today??
I just don't get it...they say winter is for another 6 weeks if he see's his shadow or spring will be here sooner.  I don't know what the big deal is...winter is winter to me?  What do you think?

Until Next Time...High Paw Five