January 31, 2012

We got to go outside on the porch....

Been awhile since I was on the porch

Bella....we'll come out here alot during the summer.....

OK Mom...how bout them treats over there....they need to be in my tummy...

B-bop....take lessons here.  Just like Mrs B teaches H
I'm still watching.....I learned this from Jasper. 

Hey everybody!!

Today was a nice day outside, mom took us on the porch.  Don't worry, she puts a gate up so we can't go down the steps.  That would probably be bad news if we did.

Anyways....I was telling Bella about Jasper.  He taught me how to sit and watch the treats....never know when one just might fall out the bag.  Also...I told her Jasper is a really cool fella....just don't touch him.  She asked why that was, my answer....go ahead and see for yourself.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five
and low paw five
Abs and B-bop

Happy Birthday Conner!!

Happy Birthday Conner!!
Hope you got lots of presents!!
Abby and Bella

Happy Birthday Matty!!

Happy Birthday Matty!!

From Abby and B-bop

January 30, 2012

I have an announcement.....

I have an important announcement to make here.

Mom and I decided to not pursue Therapy Dog, due to the reason of getting bacteria infections in my ears from visiting nursing homes.  It was a hard decision to make with all the hard work we put into it, but without mom's efforts, I probably wouldn't behave the way I do.

She said it was all good intentions for others, but she said she has to put me first.  Its not fair that I have to go through ear problems like I am at the moment.

Sorry for the bad news....

Bella playing ball....again....

come on mom....throw it!!  Come on!!  I can't wait any longer...

Here I come mom....ready or not!!

Hey Everybody!!

I've been taking my medication to get my ears better.  So I'm a little sluggish.  But Bella sure isn't!!
Her and mom played ball today while I layed on the couch.  Soon mom was chasing Bella around the house...they were running in circles!!  What a bunch of goofs!  Good thing I'm here to see all of this....after all, laughter is the best medicine!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
with a low paw five
Abby and Bella

P.S.  We're gonna try and get a post on here tomorrow for Matty's B-day....Happy Birthday Matty!!

January 29, 2012

Mom shared peanut butter with us...

Come on mom...I'm waiting, can't you hear I'm tapping my paw...

Hey sis.....this is good!!  But why is mom laughing at me??

Take that mom!!

Hey Everybody!!
I don't think a story is needed here....pictures say it all!!

Until Next Time...High Paw Five
followed by a Low Paw Five
Abby and Bella

January 28, 2012

This is going out to Bonny and Betsy's mom....

works better here.....click on picture

Abby and Bella's Mom

Bella got a trim today....

B-bop's hair for evidence....

She's thinks she's all that....but I got news for her...

She was singing "I'm too sexy for my fur!!"
Ok Brownie....I'm the queen here, just remember that!!

Bella got a little trim today...mom doesn't quite know what to do with her curls on her legs...she's not sure if she'll be able to have a skirt like me. 

I must say...she did very well during her haircut.  She didn't fuss and carry on, she left mom do what she needed to do.  The only thing she didn't care for was trimming around her nose....don't worry Brownie...it'll get better and be a piece of cake.  We need to look our best, and mom does a pretty good job in that department.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

January 26, 2012

On Hiatus......


The kids and I are on a little hiatus.  We are all doing good, Bella has made some big improvments during the past few days, she and Abby are constantly playing.  But Abby has a bit of an ear issue, this time it's her right ear and not her left where the problem was.  I strongly believe she picks up this bacteria infection going to nursing homes.....this happened twice with the two visits we've made.  I'm in the thought process of not going....hate to do it, but if this is the cause, I don't want to put Abby's health as risk.  Perhaps its all a coinsidence.

As for B-bop.  She loves her crate, she goes in her crate on her own to sleep in her bed.  I shut the door when I go to work....don't quite trust her having the house yet while I'm gone.  Pap Lucas comes down and lets them out during the day while we're out working.  So it's all good.  As a matter of fact, she's laying in her bed inside the crate now while Abby's out guarding the stove while supper is being made.

So....hang tight, they'll be updates soon again....most likely late this weekend, early next week.


January 21, 2012

Abby's Snow Day...

Hey Everybody!!

We had a snowday today, this morning I wasn't in favor of it to much, but now I'm excited!  I was playing and digging in the snow piles....mom said it was time to come in.....I said NOOOOOO WAAAAYYYYYY!!!!  But when I went in, I was full of snow and ran in the living room and shook myself off.  Dad hollared at me and mom....but mom just laughed at him.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

My First Snowfall.....

Abby didn't want to be outside, she said it's too cold

Mom....what is it with my butt??  Only you and Auntie Kim

I believe I can fly......

I'm just too cute!!

Hey Everybody!!

I got up this morning to go out and I seen all this stuff laying outside.  Dad said it's snow. I investigated and it's fun to play in, plus its quite tasty too.  I wanted dad to put some in my water bowl, he said no it'll melt.

Mom took me out and got some pictures....she didn't get many because I was moving to fast.  I'm just a little bullet running around.  I did get to try out my 4 paw drive getting up the bank.  But I wasn't ready to come back in so I ran back down the bank. 

Once I got in, I got dried off and get some treats....now we're resting up for our next go around....

Signing off....Beamer

January 19, 2012

Thanks Sexy Boomie!!

I got a big bone with my name on it!!  This is sooooo coooool!!!  High Paw Five Boomer!!

not to worry...licked my name off right away..


Our offical l photo....

Bella is very close to being lifesize in our photo.  Mom's gonna get a frame and hang it.  Not that we dno't know what we look like....but whatever makes her happy.

Until next time...High paw five

January 18, 2012

Abby's Birthday Wish....

I came home from work this afternoon, greeted by Abby and Bella.  I asked Abby, "What do you want for your birthday?"  "Well mom, I want Bella to get a bath, she's starting to get a little ripe."

"Bella, what do you say to that?"  "Mom, I am NOT getting a bath and you can't make me!!"  "Bella, Abby says your starting to smell a little ripe and I can agree with her"  "NOOOOO!!  Catch me if you can!!"

Darn it...I'm not fast enough to get away from mom...

Mom....I'mmmmmmm not liking this to much!!

I'm done and mom dried me too!!

now i'm sleepy!!

Ok...so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.   I smell good...feel soft and I'm looking good!!
Happy Birthday Sis!!

Today I'm 2!!

Hey sis...I'm not sure how to do this...

Bella...this is how you do it...just sit up, don't move and soon we're done...

Ok.....we're done right??

I hope we're finished...this hat is bothering me.

Hey Everybody!!

Today it's my birthday!!  I'm the big 2!
So...Bella, this is my day, your my slave, you must do as I say!  Teehee

So....check back later to see what I got for my 2nd birthday!!  Can't wait to see what it is.....
Until next time...high paw five

January 17, 2012

Will you play with me??

This is something Abby doesn't really like playing, she's not a ball player....but I sure am.  I'll run after the ball allllllllll day long!!  I'll even bring it back and drop it for you to throw.

But I think Abby knows I'm too fast for her, so that's why she doesn't play ball....but that's ok.

(we haven't come up with an official sign off slogan)

More Animail!!!

Sure feels like Christmas time around here....and it's only January!!

Hey Everybody!!
I got some more animail...like the firedogs call it.
This was from Kim, Mr H, Mrs B and Uncle Pete!
I got some toys that I'm not to share with my sister...don't want her to drooling all over them.
Only mom and I can play with this toy....got it B-Bop?

Thank  you to my Wisconsin family!!
Until Next Time...High Paw Five

Birthday card for me!!!

Hey Everybody!!

I got a card from Sexy Boomie!!  Thank you buddy!!
I'll make sure I eat a piece of treat tomorrow just for you!!  :)

Until Next Time...High Paw Five!!


Hey B-Bop...this is what we call animail!!  It's just for us!!

You can't see it very well with the lighting.

Hey Everybody!!
We got some animail today from them firedog fellas!  I can't wait to show Bella off to them boys.
You can't see it very well, but Bella got some toys and a blankee to keep warm!
Thanks fellas!!

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
Abby and Bella

January 15, 2012