December 30, 2012

Meet Sissy

Hey Everybody!!

Mom decided to make a little update here introducing Sissy.  She passed away 12-31-09, she was 2 weeks shy of turning 13.   She had congestive heart failure at the age of 11, vets only gave her 6 months at most, but with the help of mom and dad, she lived another 2 years.


December 29, 2012


Abby.....what are these on my feet!?
They are booties....hahahaha
I don't like them one bit.... Mom!!! Get these things off my paws!! I'm not pulling a sled!!

With a laughing Abby in the background

In Memory of Boomer.....

Abby....what's wrong??  What's with the sad face?
Well Maggie....Remember when Jodi came and brought you home here??
Yeah!!  I got to sleep at her house!!
Yes Maggie...that's right.  Do you remember anything else?
Well....I know I kicked Rick out of bed....teehee!!
Anything else??
Ummmmm.......yeah, Sexy Boomie!!  He's ever so handsome!!
Well Pip Squeak....Boomie went over the rainbow bridge early yesterday morning after not feeling well.  His mom and dad did everything they could for him, but he couldn't fight anymore.  He was exhausted....too exhausted.
Awwww.....I'm sorry :( stayed up all night to make this litle tribute for our Boomer.  You know mom...she won't stop till it's done and perfect.

Until Next Time....A Sad High Paw Five
with sad little paws

Abby and Maggie

December 25, 2012

Scratching lottery tickets

Scratch scratch scratch scratch.....we have 2 winners!! Arlene and pap Wolfgang!! Now don't spend it all in one place now.

Take notice whose sitting with pap Lucas now....

We're opening gifts ....

Opening you can see Maggie is comfy with pap Lucas

Enjoying dinner must share!!!!!

December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

I'm just so super excited about Christmas!  This is my first Christmas with Abby and I can't wait to see what we get in the morning.
Abby is fast asleep and seems to be dreaming I'll just let her alone.  She had a busy day keeping everything protected in the kitche today.
Good night my friends and we'll see you in the morning!!
little paws

Leaving Santa some snacks....

Hey Abby.....
Yes pip...
I want to leave Santa a snack, is that ok?
Yes that's fine, you can give him so cookies and milk.
Ok...but what about the reindeer?

We can leave out some carrots for them.
But Abby....those are our carrots!!
I'm sure we have plenty to share pip squeak.....
Oh....ok then.  Cookies and Milk with Carrots for the reindeer coming up!!

Until next time....high paw five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

Dinner is set!!!

Almost ready to eat!!!

Maggie....It's time!!

Hey Maggie!!
What Abs?
Santa just did his role call up at the north pole on the runway.  He's soon taking off to make is trip around the world!!

Whoohoo!!!!  This is going to be my first Christmas with you Abby!
Yes pip squeak....but you must learn to control that anger problem you've been showing your southern attitude lately again.

Ok and dad did yell at me for it, they said it's not nice and that Santa's watching.

That's right....

So it's going to be a busy day around the house will be cooking after they get back from getting some really good pies!

Hey bout we update the blog through out the day leading up to bedtime...there's so much that will be happening around here today.

Sounds good to me Abby.....your the boss!!

And we'll keep you updated on our friend Boomer too as we get the news.

And this is from Norad at 4:24 a.m.
Last Spotted North Pole - Runway - Mrs. Claus gives Santa a kiss

Abby!!  Lets wait till Santa officially takes off to post this.
Sounds like a plan....Lets go watch norad for a few minutes.....

Nothing's happening Abs!
Just relax....all is good...
(so they continue watching norad for the offical take off)

It's 4:26 A.M.
Last Spotted North Pole - Santa takes off from runway; village waves good-bye

Abby!!!  Santa is on his way!!!!!  Time to get to bed!!
No Maggie....we don't have to go to bed now...he'll be here tonight, and remember....Elfie is around here watching too.

Until next time....high paw five
with little paws
Abby and the very excited Maggie

December 23, 2012

Dear Santa....

Dear Santa

I know this is very last minute and you must be very busy for your flight departure in the early morning. But I have one request.

With everything I asked for, I want that to be scratched off. Instead what I really want for Christmas is for my buddy Boomer to get well very soon. See...he got sick a couple days ago and his mom and dad took him to the animal hospital where they found and is being treated for autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Christmas wish is for Boomer's health to improve so he can go home to mom and dad who are missing him terribly much.

Thank you fir the last minute request.

December 21, 2012

We got animail....

We got toys from the firedogs today....Maggie went fir the pink ball right away! Thanks fire fellas!!!

Abby and Maggie

December 18, 2012

Our portrait.....

Hey everybody!!!
Mom got a portrait made of us. We just love it!!! Had to share it with all of our fans!!

Until next time.....high paw five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie

There he is!!

Abby!! I found him!!!
Pip squeak!! Do you realize what time it is? It's 5:30 in the morning... I'm going back to sleep.

Ok Abby....but I Found him

Until next time....high sleepy paw five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie

December 14, 2012

Moment of Silence

We are putting the blog on "Moment of Silence" until Monday for the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Your in our thoughts and prayers....

Abby and Maggie

December 13, 2012

You must bow..... will bow to Abby power!!!! I'm am the boss.....remember that little one!

December 12, 2012

There's Elfie again!!

What abs??
Here's Elfie....he's in the bedroom on the stand.
How did he get there Abby??
Well Maggie....he's magical, what ever you do, don't touch him or he'll loose his magic.

Ok Abby....I won't touch him.

Until next time....high paw five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie

December 11, 2012

What's he doing in there??

Abby!! Abby!! Abby!!
What pip squeak?? What's wrong?? Did something happen??

No Abby....Elfie is in the fridge!!
He's where??

Take a look for yourself abs...

(They open the door...and there sits Elfie)

Until next time....high paw five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

December 10, 2012

Elfie is here!!!

Hey Abby!!!
Who is this??!!

Well pip squeak...that Elfie.
He's a magic elf.
But don't touch him... He's magical! He can fly too! So keep an eye out, never know where he'll sit next.

Until next time....high paw five
With little paws
Abby and Maggie

December 09, 2012

High Paw Five Production

Here's a high paw five production.....
We were bored....
Until Next Time...High Paw Five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie

December 08, 2012

Our village

Our village almost done!!! Couldn't wait to share!!

Christmas photo shoot

Maggie...what's with the white ball in your eye?
I don't just fell there
Ok pip squeak....try to stay still

This was our first photo....i think it's a good one

Actually Abby....I heard mom saying this is her favorite one!!

I don't know pip squeak....all I can say is....
I need a nap!!

Well said....lets go

Until Next Time....High Paw Five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

December 07, 2012

Wrapping up tonight

Wrapping presents whole dads out the house....

Here's my bone!!

Here's my bone that I got in the mail last year!!

Now Maggie has to get one

December 05, 2012

We're on duty

On duty watching for the elves....

December 03, 2012

It has arrived!!!

Our very much waited for package has arrived !!!

It's Santa bear from Vermont teddy bear company!! How cool is this!! Very cool I say.

Now to find the perfect spot...

Until next time....high paw five

December 02, 2012

Relaxing Sunday

Hey everybody!!

Mom and dad were at a craft show we just hung out and caught up on much needed rest. Mom just has us going and going and going like we're the energizer bunny!!

Here's a photo of our fence....we put lights around it this year!!

Until next time... High paw five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie

December 01, 2012

Abby and Maggie's tree

Hey everybody!!

This is our tree!! Love the colors... Purple and silver!! This will be my 3rd Christmas and this is Maggie's 1st Christmas. Maggie's 1st Christmas was in Louisiana with Grandma Jackie and the tiny treasures crew.

24 days until Christmas!! Remember....Santa's watching...even us pups!

Until next time...high paw five
with little paws
Abby and Maggie

It's December!!!!

Ok... This is our favorite month of the year. So with that on mind....I made mom sign a contract about posting at least one post a day starting tonight!!

I'll try to scan the contract in so fans...can see it for yourself.

I think maybe they'll be something new for the blog.... Stay tuned to find out.

Until next time...,high paw five
with little paws

Abby and Maggie