November 09, 2011

Dr. Abby is on duty.....

Hey Everybody!!

Mom's luck hasn't been so good lately.

Our alarm went off at 5:30 this morning, got up and got a shower. Mom made me some breakfast and she was off to work. On her way to work a deer ran out in front of her and she swerved and hit a pole.

Mom couldn't get out of the drivers side door, she couldn't get out the passenger side door either. She had to crawl to the back and get out the back door.

A girl drove past and stopped and called 911 for mom. She said, when you come around that corner, it looks like this is a truck parked here to go hunting...but when i seen the pole on top of the truck I knew something was wrong.

The fire department came and mom thought of Uncle Kevin and the Firedogs. He came over and asked mom 3 questions. What day is it? Wedensday. What holiday is coming up? Thanksgiving. Who is the president?? Bailout Obama. His response to that....aint that the truth.

He took mom's blood pressure, at the time it was 128 over 98. He said it's high, but with what happened its gonna be.

Another guy came and asked if the airbags deployed, mom said no. Did the passenger side airbag deploy? No, nothing did. They couldn't believe none of them did.

Soon mom was starting to hurt in her rib and back area, the longer she stood, the more it hurt. So when they asked if she wanted to go and get checked out, she said yes.

On the way to the hospital, mom's phone kept going off. They said answer your message, it will take your mind off the pain and keep you alert. So mom was texting on the way to the hospital. Can you imagine that??

Once at the hospital, they did an xray. Results was badly bruised ribs and she's to take it easy for a few days.

So she's home, did all her phone calls to the insurance. She got called from the body shop and they are thinking the truck is finished. Mom's really upset with that, she was hoping it could be fixed.

The plan is to take it easy, and if she doesn't....I'll be calling HB patrols on my pawphone.

OH...before I forget. The guy at the scene told mom. "You see that cable around the front end of your truck? Yeah. That cable saved your life, it stopped you from hitting the trees." Somebody was watching over mom....and I think it was Gma Mary sitting in the passenger seat.

Until Next Time.....High Paw Five


Mr. H said...

Abby We are VERY glad that your mom is ok and we agree that Gma Mary was there watching over her! I think it would still be a good idea for the HB Patrol to stop in just to be sure!! You take good care of your mom we all know that she takes the best care of you:) LOL Mr. H PS It was our turn to play in the snow for just a little bit today! It's almost gone already:(

Anonymous said...

Abby, You tell your mom, if there is ever a next time, hit the deer, swerving to avoid is worse. We are glad Gma Mary was helping out, but we think we could hear her say "the deer would have made good soup".
We are so happy your mom is okay, and our mom says we will be praying for her complete recovery! We love your blog...keep up the good work.
2 Barks & 2 Wags from Bonny & Betsy Hawthorne (friends of auntie Mary)