January 28, 2012

Bella got a trim today....

B-bop's hair for evidence....

She's thinks she's all that....but I got news for her...

She was singing "I'm too sexy for my fur!!"
Ok Brownie....I'm the queen here, just remember that!!

Bella got a little trim today...mom doesn't quite know what to do with her curls on her legs...she's not sure if she'll be able to have a skirt like me. 

I must say...she did very well during her haircut.  She didn't fuss and carry on, she left mom do what she needed to do.  The only thing she didn't care for was trimming around her nose....don't worry Brownie...it'll get better and be a piece of cake.  We need to look our best, and mom does a pretty good job in that department.

Until Next Time...High Paw Five

1 comment:

Mr. H said...

Bella you are looking good and mom tells me you were good when your mom trimmed you up! Can't wait to see you hopefully before the reunion in June! LOL Mr. H:)